Cashed in some calls already but my Jan 26 are up $178k. Also got several thousand shares…

    Posted by nino3227


    1. DKidJuice_Wrld on

      You earned 2000% from Asts alone? Impressive πŸ˜…
      Call & put options & shares? Any secured options or covered call?

    2. NewtFrequent2649 on

      I sold 25 contracts before the pump because i thought it would be risk-free to get in and get out. Im now licking windows on the back of the short bus

    3. idkwhatimbrewin on

      Your FFIE position tells me all I need to know about your future ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)

    4. Trading_View_Loss on

      Bullshit your exit plan is 1 million. The minute you hit 1 million your exit plan is going to be 2 million. You’re going to lose fucking everything. Pull out now will you still can

    5. WildConsideration376 on

      I dislike ASTS but this shit my buoy is gonna hit $100 by end year..keep printing..I love seeing such drug in the world..gains

    6. stupid_mans_idiot on

      I say this as a guy who rode from $1000 to $250k back down to $40k – take some profit.Β 

    7. Good luck! I saw that you wanted to buy a property with your 1 million – not sure how old you are, but do not forget about retirement. I’m getting older and am not pivoting hard to putting money away – dont make that mistake

    8. Well done OP.

      Invest when no one knows what you are talking about.

      Double down (and hold!) when those same people start telling you why you shouldn’t invest (or when to sell!).

    9. You and a few others here inspired me to buy this stock.. Of course, after I did my own DD on it and saw it was a good one. I waited for the dip last week and caught it.
      Already up $2k.
      Plus, I bought 2 contracts at $20 strike price now worth about $1,800…
      Thanks and well done.

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