"The public comment period for the proposed rescheduling ended on July 22, with over 43,000 comments submitted. The DEA is currently analyzing these comments, with a final ruling anticipated within the coming weeks."

    "The proposal to move marijuana to Schedule III was first published by the DEA on May 21, initiating a 60-day public comment period. With that period now concluded, the DEA’s focus has shifted to reviewing every comment, as required by law. According to the DEA official, this process is progressing as planned, despite the volume of comments."

    “We’ve already analyzed tens of thousands of comments, but do still have thousands remaining. At this pace, we are still on track for a final rescheduling announcement to come prior to October,” the official stated.

    Feels like this wait is finally coming to an end.

    Position: 850 shares of MSOS @ $7.90 average, going to increase it to 1000 shares before October.

    Not Financial Advice.

    [$MSOS] The DEA remains on track to finalize the rescheduling of marijuana by October, according to an agency official
    byu/UsedState7381 inwallstreetbets

    Posted by UsedState7381


    1. MyBoomstickIsBigger on

      Fellow bag holder, here — 1100 shares @ 8.50.

      We’re almost back into the green, on the green.

    2. FattyCorpuscle on

      >the DEA’s focus has shifted to reviewing every comment, as required by law.

      BRB, gonna go invest in trash can manufacturers because that’s where those comments are getting dumped.

    3. This may actually hurt cannabis companies, look at what happened to big tobacco once it was heavily regulated.

    4. Explanation: US cannabis companies currently pay crazy high tax rates as the IRS treats them as criminals (as they are selling federally controlled substances in the same class as heroin). Rescheduling pops them into a different class (like Tylonol with codene), which means they will be taxed at normal rates. Huge bonus for their balance sheets when this is announced in the coming weeks. Moon time..

    5. Reclassification will engender the passage of safe banking measures which has historically been a hurdle for cannabis corps to raise funding and scale. If Harris wins, we’re inevitably moving towards federal legalization which will finally open the doors to institutional investment. Looks like bright green horizons for marijuana stocks but I’ll be watching for a bit longer

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