How my Doing πŸš€πŸ˜ŽπŸŒ΄

    Posted by 1Loveshack


    1. Disastrous-Peak-4296 on

      $900k gains, nearly full battery life, and strong wifi signal… Get over to r/investing, nerd

    2. Congrats. ASTS has now become the stock where I feel my later years are now taken care of as well.

      RKLB I’m keeping a side eye on… I dropped some into it yesterday. Enough to garner me the equal equivalent weekly of what I make in a month of my salary if it keeps a steady course of this $6/$7 track it’s on.

      If it ticks up a tinge…. Even $8 by next week I have a 20K’r I’ll plop on it and let it ride long term and let it ebb and flow and let it drift on the highway behind the ASTS semi truck.

      Congrats on your future!

    3. quit while you’re ahead buddy. or at least take it out of the volatile shit. i am ALL FOR ASTS but i wouldn’t be 100% anymore. stick some shit in QQQ, stick some shit in some gambles of your choice (shares) like asts/rklb like you’ve got, and take some shit out to treat yourself and the tax boys.

      and of course fuck you hope to be here one day ! LETS GO ASTS

    4. PrestigiousWatch3194 on

      These are the posts that keep the dream (and my huge losses) alive!

      Congrats boss

    5. Hey, its me your long lost uncle. I own a gold mine in Nigeria and want to transfer ownership to you. I just need your account info so that I can transfer the rights to you

    6. πŸ‘Awesome! I love seeing others win!! Im open to receiving in abundance also… And also, go fck yourself, good job!!

    7. Wow looking thru his profile history, he’s been really consistent with ASTS for almost a year now and sticking with it. Congrats on many levels. Well played!

    8. Cat_From_Jupiter on

      Seems like you made money and therfore you do not belong here

      *Congrats and fuck you

    9. Take it out, move to Mexico and enjoy 20 million pesos. I would. πŸ™‚

      Congrats and well done!

    10. Take out most of it. Play with house money on a beach somewhere. I don’t want to see you posting your losses here in a month.

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