First it was amazing. Making 2, 4, 6k a day. Saw my money double in a couple weeks. Then when my port gained 8k in a day and reached 30k the March 8 correction hit. I panic sold and got fooled by volatility buying more calls.

    That was in the brokerage though. May comes around and I full port the IRA into more calls. Whole account across brokerage and IRA went to 130k (started with 10k in brokerage and 17k in IRA btw). Then another correction.

    I learned my lesson from last time not to panic so I Diamond handed all summer. Ouch. All the way down to break even all time. We’re back though and I have an exit strategy this time.

    This is all my life savings minus a year’s worth of bills I kept in my bank account when I started trading at the beginning of this year. Wish me luck. My unemployment ran out spring 2023.

    Posted by Nadsaq100


    1. Medium_Grand_8182 on

      So you have been walking through a mine field with your eyes closed. Happy regards.

    2. daytradingguy on

      Congrats on your success! I know not the diamond hands strategy…although when I have big gains- I take some off and maybe leave a runner. You can always buy some back on dips too.

    3. If you held it this long…. you need to wait until after earnings. It is only 2 weeks away… You’re welcome!

    4. sallgoodman340 on

      You should plan an exit strategy, be realistic or you could loose it all, already did that once given the chart…

    5. Flat-Highlight6516 on

      At least in your favor, this is the one stock that you don’t bet against for earnings 

    6. I’ve DCA’ed my November 140 calls all the way down from 131 to about 99, and just one more +3-dollar day, I break-even.
      Then I’m out. I hope it’s Monday by lunch. This has really done a number on my ticker.

    7. you didnt take profits months ago, you arent gonna take now. If it hits 160, you’ll be thinking that it’ll hit 170, then 180. Its called a gambling addiction.

    8. Josepth_Blowsepth on

      Hold till after Nov earnings or the Santa run. May actually hold over $175 at that point

    9. >I swear I will take profits soon

      >I have an exit strategy this time.

      So… we’ll be seeing your loss porn post soon then? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    10. Vegetable-Body-7044 on

      Tight stop losses brother. God speed ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4276)

    11. This guy sounds like a stats wizard. That’s probably why he comments on so many girls’ outfits in /r/emostyle and /r/midsizefashion . One of them will marry him eventually, statistically speaking.

    12. I sold you those calls against my leaps and cashed out 20k last few months. Put the proceeds into more June 2025 120 calls

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