This position will be worth >5 million dollars by EOY 2024

    Posted by MixAdministrative565


    1. I know there’s no responsible way to gamble 600k, but of all the stocks you could have bought it’s this. Why not just wait for a serious dip and throw it into whatever tech stock you like

    2. SeveralBollocks_67 on

      This sub is fucking crazy
      Half million dollar loss post, 15 fucking comments.

    3. YamImpossible9698 on

      You bough some HUT. Probably gona be working at a hut, a Pizza Hut, by the end.

    4. Witty_Attitude4412 on

      When did you buy HIVE call? (Want to reverse engineer the reason for your confidence)

    5. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4259)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)

    6. Why are you not selling these? 168k is a lot better than 0. 

      Hut has literally never been anywhere near $35. There is exactly a zero chance it can get there. 

      I’m shocked there is anyone out there dumb enough to pay 0.40 for those. 

    7. I mean, if you just hold a little longer, it’ll look different than it does now. Guaranteed

    8. ShowerFriendly9059 on

      Negative margin, no earnings, negative cash flow penny stocks. Ya, these companies are going out of business.

    9. Future-Foresight on

      Idk about hit but if that’s hive blockchain. Well, better hope btc cracks 72k

    10. You understand how decay works right ? You know bad You gonna start getting smoked each day with theta in mod October.

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