Average Stock Market Return in Every Month of the Year


    Posted by IncomingBroccoli


    1. QuintonBigBrawler on

      Maybe this time is different for real. This year February and May were up while April were not. So there is a chance September may also not follow a pattern

    2. notyourregularninja on

      Now show this for 2000-2024?? Data relevancy has to be taken into account to consideration and just the time that os older than 25 years may not be relevant anymore.

    3. Actually worthless. You would expect to see numbers like these with normal variance. Especially on only 95 data points. (Also data from 100 years ago is incredibly out of date in the first place.

    4. Self fulfilling prophecy. People know Sept is the worst month, freak out and sell, causing the crash they were afraid of.

    5. Putrid_Pollution3455 on

      About as excepted for 1.17% drop as I was saving a few cents on hot dogs

      Jpow needs to raise rates so we can buy the dip. The price of gold suggests that rate cuts will increase inflation. If they cut, all assets to the moon (except bonds and cash).

    6. Cheap-Town7641 on

      Also, summer spending is higher, so the Sept fall off is logical. Kids go back to school, construction workers wrap large projects, and I would imagine there’s some profit taking in there as well as mid-quarter slump.

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