Can you guys come pick me up… it’s been a while….Long Hold..

    Posted by Money_cum_e_z


    1. Yul_B_Alwright on

      Great. You posted in WSB. Now there will be a sell off and you’ll be further away.

    2. OrdinaryReasonable63 on

      My guy… what’s the rest of your portfolio consist of out of curiosity. My money there’s a couple more Chamath scams hiding in there ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    3. PresentationReady873 on

      If you do the exact opposite of what you’re doing you could reach billionaire status before 2025

    4. Parking_Station7086 on

      is this loss a lot to you or you actually have more saved and only traded some disposable money ?

    5. Honest-Abe2677 on

      Chamalth Whats-his-name is literally sitting on a beach somewhere, spending your money, plotting his next fraud scheme, and scoping out his next victims.

      That’s what really stings about those lockdown SPAC cons.

    6. Controlling emotions, you just gotta win against yourself, your emotions and you’ll gain it back bro!

    7. Bro why would you not cut losses short. I understand losing 10 or 20 but almost 50 percent

    8. Its okay, no need to worry, its unrealized gain/loss.

      Only becomes an issue when realized. Lol

    9. IRS is afraid of this guy. His great grandkids won’t have to pay taxes at this rate.

    10. DeliciousPoopWasMe on

      oh boy… you probably don’t want to hear what i want to say then…. i remember this ticker from years back as being horse shit…. if i had to bet my money i would say, price keeps winding down and does a reverse split sub 50c… i’m sorry

    11. Suspicious-Wallaby-5 on

      Last week must have helped. Just bought some to help you out more. Misery loves company.

    12. pbrstreetgang-1 on

      Sorry this happened. The lesson is that we all need to sometimes take a loss and move on, not continue to let the position deteriorate. Stop loss should be set on entry.

    13. TickletheEther on

      Paper hands < paper losses.
      We hold, you got this hommie the market is coming back to get you

    14. 4theFrontPage on

      You dropped a million on a company that doesn’t make money? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    15. Global-Error8933 on

      Where’d you get that capital if you don’t mind me asking?
      It tops my losses, which was also six-figures (mine was realized).

      Gotta learn someday, anyway. I feel stronger, but probably will die sooner now. lol

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