Have you ever exited a trade far too early or contemplated opening a position only to miss the boat? How much did you miss out on and how did you get over it?

    How Do You Get Over Opportunity Cost Loss?
    byu/WindyCee inwallstreetbets

    Posted by WindyCee


    1. Embarrassed-Virus579 on

      I’m just telling myself that loosing money today or loosing money tomorrow it’s all the same. 

    2. DeliciousPoopWasMe on

      i’ve never pined after missed gains anywhere as much as i cursed LOSSES i didn’t miss…. that’s the main thing… avoid big losses, all profit is good profit, there is always another trade out there… but there isn’t if you got your money stuck in a loser

      that’s how i deal with that mentality when it creeps up on me

    3. Sucks to realize you took 50% profit when it could have been 200%, but it sucks even more to see your green position go red because you waited too long. You just don’t know the future.

    4. Zero2Hero2MarginCall on

      Nobody here is trading anything, and there is no opportunity cost in gambling, people close option YOLOs 5 seconds before market close or let them expire worthless

    5. I sold a shit ton of sm energy shares at $11. It was still a 10 bagger for me as my average cost was something like $1.50 and I made good money. But it would have turned out to be over a 40 bagger if I hung around. Which simply does not happen. Sometimes you can really over manage your portfolio.

    6. I was forced to sell 553 shares of ASTS at $11 to help fund a relocation trip across the country. I held it for 2 years until that point.

      Now it’s $31..

    7. The market is made up of _countless_ opportunities, gains, losses, trades.

      If you’re focusing on having missed out on one, it only guarantees that you’re currently missing out on others right now too. Get your emotion out of it. Take your head out of your asshole, and focus on the next opportunity.

    8. Regret does no good with investing. If I only thought about how I didn’t put 100% of my net worth in Bitcoin back in 2015, I’d just be in the fetal position in bed all day. There’s always the next thing that will 10x.

    9. Totallynotfakenews on

      It’s important to remember 2 things:

      1. Green is green. If you made money you won.

      2. Exiting any trade, even if too early, frees up capital for new positions.

    10. Pfft. I get it. I struggled with this too.

      Whether its stock or a relationship or a job or anything in life, we can’t go back in time. But so often we let that past item steal our current happy. I had to make a decision to not beat myself up. The way I make peace is to ask, “Ok, that sucked, what can I learn from it. ” And it doesn’t count to say “I learned I’m a dumbass.” or something like that.

      I’ll give an example. I got burned on stop loss. I am for sure not happy that I got burned. But I also learned a very valuable lesson on setting stop losses.

      With my kids, I call it a bad fail vs a good fail. A bad fail is when you screw up and keep doing the same thing. That’s just a failure. A good fail is where you change because you truly learn something. Hope this helps.

    11. By going all in at ATH and losing half my money. It’s the most reliable way to get over it.

    12. I get over it by seeing other trades I wanted to make and seeing how they would have lost me a lot of money. Sometimes missing out loses you money, and sometimes it saves you money.

    13. PennyStonkingtonIII on

      It’s annoying but, realistically, you can’t top tick everything so you’re always going to leave something on the table. The one that really pisses me off is when I sell for a loss and THEN it goes big green. That’s how it goes, though – it could’ve just as easily continued to drop.

    14. I’ve missed some 10x several times because I’m a pussy. But hey, as long as I keep beating the market, I will be rich just before I die of old age

    15. Double_Mistake521 on

      You dont andyou’ll be tempted to sip badk in then lose everything 2x.

      Just find the next opportunity

    16. I deal with it realizing that if i happen to do the best entries and the best close ever everyday on the best stocks possible i can multiply my money by an absurd amount everyday and i can be the richest man ind the world in a few months… So ye absolutely no1 is doing that so im happy with any% rly.

    17. There’s always a new bubble, always a new wave of opportunity, this time you participated as an observer learning how to identify the opportunity. All you have to do is catch one of the many that will happen in your lifetime.

    18. it’s an infinite cycle, unbreakable.

      – Exit for your planned goal a few times

      – Watch each 10x in an hour after you sold

      – Feel too lucky

      – Tell yourself you have a system and if you all in just this one time you’ll be set by EoD

      – Watch it go from +20% to – 90% within hours while you convince yourself it will reverse any minute now

      – Market crabs until EoD while you hate yourself for not taking the +20%

      – Restart from scratch

      Realistically if you want to get over it, you have to realize any given day there are multiple 1000% plays out there. you don’t have to FOMO. If your play hits, use a small portion of the profits to play further OTM and see if it hits with house money

      That being said I’ll see you tomorrow with my 0dte spy plays

    19. Not stocks, I bought LINK in 2020 right before covid (chain link) covid hit and everything started locking down so I sold… everything. €6000*

      If I held until a few months later, €100000*

      Here is my coinbase from 2020 🤡🤡🤡

      [coinbase SS](https://ibb.co/LgYTM0Y)

    20. sometimes i’ll do this regarded thing where i take profits, watch the stock continue to keep going up, and get back in my position. netted me a lot of money last week, but overall would not recommend. just take profits and enjoy the gains

    21. I exited NVIDIA at 500 bro. I went for 3x and could have gone 8x. But you know I also had Crowdstrike go 4x and kept holding and then it dumped back down to 2.5x so it is what it is. I’m happy I made money.

      Ah and don’t get me wrong I have lost money on MANY trades. I hold Intel at -30% right now. I held Fastly though the major drop. I once got into Apple at 96 it went to 88 I sold and then got back in at 102. Sure it’s doubled now but man I wish I would have not sold at 88 in between.

      Hindsight is always easy. Today I think why would you sell Apple at 88. I should have doubled down. But examples like crowdstrike show it can go the other way. Imagine the iPhone16 comes out and has a major security leak and all need to be recalled. Boom my position is done. I mean buffet sold it a few months ago. He left money on the table. Will it keep going up? In 5 years when it’s at 600 we will all say oh it was obvious. But it isn’t now.

    22. It’s best not to dwell on what never was. That’s really all there is to it. Instead put that effort towards uncovering present day opportunities.

    23. Profit is profit, yes you could’ve made more but at least you made something. There’s always another trade, keep on keeping on.

    24. Impossible-Affect202 on

      Never gotten over it but came to terms with “ it’s not my money to have “

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