Someone hit my car that was legally parked in the street while I was inside my home sleeping and it’s completely totaled now. The police came, the driver was taken away in an ambulance (he didnt seem to have major injuries, I assume he was released from the hospital on the same day), and I immediately called his insurance company, allstate, to file a claim. Since then i’ve been getting the runaround from allstate. I don’t have collision so my insurance company can’t do anything. It’s been two weeks since the accident and I can’t get any straight answers. Some people at allstate have told me they give the insured 30 days to respond, others have said the computer program sends it to an adjuster automatically if they don’t respond. Now they are telling me that since they received the police report last wednesday, an adjuster has been assigned and they’re investigating and would be in touch within two days. No one calls or emails me so I call again and they tell me that an adjuster won’t be assigned until liability is set and they are currently investigating liability. The police report states that their driver hit my legally parked car, and I also sent in video footage of the accident from a ring camera, and pictures of damages. No one at allstate can give me even a rough timeline of how long it will take me to get any answers. Some of the claims people tell me that it doesn’t matter what evidence I send in, they need to get in contact with the other driver before they will proceed with anything. Others have told me that they can proceed with the police report without having spoken to the other driver. Can anyone tell me what the hell is going on here and what I can do on my end to speed this up or at least get a straight answer from allstate?? It has been two weeks now without a car and no one can tell me what’s going on !

    Allstate Insured Driver Hit My Parked Car and Won’t Respond
    byu/lodedtater inInsurance

    Posted by lodedtater


    1. Different_Fan_6353 on

      You can’t speed it up, everything they’re telling you is standard procedure. If you had collision you could’ve filed through your insurance and been on your way, so you’re at their mercy. You have no idea if the driver is in the hospital unable to speak.

    2. Pay a lawyer their fee to draft a letter to the insurance company copied to their driver. I think it might move things off the snide

    3. Why are you dealing with Allstate? Your own insurance company is supposed to do that

    4. TLDR Allstate took a month and a half to payout with full cooperation from me, and their insured

      Had damn near the same sequence of events happen on New years Day this year, 8:20 am I had just woken up and heard a thud being New years Day, I figured it was just a firework going off complimented by my dog being scared of fireworks and goes running anytime one goes off, which she did. I get out of bed at 8:30 use the bathroom, walk to my living room which has a view of where my car, a silver 02 chevy impala, is normally parked to look out my front door to see a black kia sitting where my car should be, I’m like huh that’s uh weird so I get closer to my front door and see my car has been pushed 20 ft from where it was by the impact. I didn’t get my payout from them till Feburary 16th.

    5. The chance of them paying out without talking to their insured is slim to none. Since you opted to not protect your own asset by carrying collision on your policy, your only other option is to sue the guy and hope that spurs him to cooperate with his insurance. 

    6. Current_Candy7408 on

      Allstate isn’t obligated to pay for your damages. Please purchase collision and comprehensive going forward so you’re protected.

    7. Did they send a duty to mitigate letter? If not you’re racking up loss of use. Pursue $50 per day for every single day they delay.

      Allstate is on the brink of bankruptcy and running short staffed. They’ll get you taken care of. It’ll just take time.

      Edit. People can downvote me all they want. I’m right.

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