What do you think, it’s a bubble or what


    Posted by Chemical-Sky3077


    1. OppositeArugula3527 on

      If you look hard enough for something to justify your narrative, you’ll often find it.

    2. Mr_Canada1867 on

      Can you atleast write a description of wtf a CAPE Ratio is for us regards![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

    3. bonerjamz2021 on

      Obviously it’s a bubble just Google nasdaq index and then click max.

      The yield curve about to univert(always leads to recession).

      Cutting interest rates after a hiking cycle(always leads to recession)

    4. iswearimnotabotbro on

      US stocks are undervalued. The rest of the world economies are a fucking joke.

      China is fake. Europe is addicted to being poor. Russia is Russia. Brazil is weak. India has diarrhea.

      The US is a mess but the one thing we like to do is make shitloads of cash. That will never stop.

      We are so geographically gifted it’s honestly unfair to other markets. We have a dynamic economy that, while being pretty imbalanced in tech at the moment, cannot be stopped.

      The US took Covid on the chin and society almost broke down because the consumers wanted Dave and Busters back so badly. And that was after 1 million people died.

      The US can’t be slowed down, and any time something even looks like it may try to slow it down we have 11 aircraft carriers we’ll park on their doorstep and figuratively put a gun in their mouth. See: Taiwan.

    5. EntrepreneurFunny469 on

      CAPE should be higher for the US considering everyone invests in its markets

    6. Not a bubble, just the greatest economy in the world (despite our internal struggles and clusterfuck of problems), America is still 💯 the best place in the world for business.

    7. Markets are clearly over bought and over leveraged. Mega correction is a question of when not if. Simply will run out of cash to bid up prices soon.

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