Since the big loss I have begun implementing a. new risk management strategy that is treating me fairly well. Allowing me to make steady gains as I climb my way out of this pit. Will update as I go.

    Posted by Gorzan1117


    1. User_UnKn0wn00 on

      Just looked at your profile all you do is lose but u never give up. DONT EVER GIVE UP KEEP GOING

    2. This is nothing compared to the loss porn I’ve seen in this sub… now, put them in calls!!!

    3. Alternative-Season45 on

      Your first Reddit post 44 days ago you were up $20,000 and said should I quit my job? 💀

      Can you pleeeeeeeeeeeeeaase post the all time chart? 🙏🙏🙏

    4. Your chart shows the effectiveness of your risk management strategy of not having any money in your account. 

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