I was at 50k a few months ago because margins gave me a nice adrenaline kick. You can see my loss porn post on my profile. I might end up quitting my job and working at Wendy’s like you regards told me to. I still stand by this company and what their CEO stands for. $RKLB holds the keys to space. They produce satellites and soon will be able to fly their own (mid 2025) with healthy financials (500m in cash), 1.1 billion in backlog, an already working rocket, and a genius for a CEO . Fuck the moon… RKLB to Venus! (This is not investment advice)


    Posted by Onepunchduck


    1. Sell that bro do not blow it when your at the top, there is way less risky plays with that type of capital. You are up big Convrats

    2. stillpractising on

      Your up 100%…. I’m all about going full port but at least pull out your initial investment and then u can gamble I mean invest using house money

    3. Inevitable_Butthole on

      You got lucky, but we all know how this works. You’ll think you know better than everyone else (even though you’ve been negative for the entire time) and continue till you lose 99%.

    4. Ok-Recommendation925 on

      I have been fascinated. The ones most likely to lose more always win it big. While the ones likely smart enough to secure gains, always win small or lose……

    5. > 100% gain

      > I will wait for it to either drop -100% or wait for gains so high there will be no volume to cover it

    6. Lmao so many going for ‘sell now’. Volume was through the roof last Friday. Still has high short interest check data from nasdaq 31/7 if needed. Shares has to be settled before open tomorrow.
      We ride at dawn 🚀🚀🚀

    7. Ill-Branch3614 on

      You need more cash for anything space related than anything else in the world, 500m is nothing

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