Surely he’s one of us and belongs right here with us not in Jail 🤓

    Posted by jareer-killer1


    1. TopTheory1170 on

      Hold on, billions of dollars not reported and he only got fined 2 million? That’s just the cost of doing business! On to the next round of billion dollar pledges to be hidden

    2. A billionaire is fined 500k to 1.5m? Does that really affect Carl in any meaningful way? What is actually going on with this crime and is it severe? Is he getting loans against shares of his stock and not properly reporting it?

    3. There was a doc about him on ~~Netflix I think~~ Max

      If you watched it you should’ve picked up that he has zero scruples about competition in finance. He’s proud of being ruthless and conniving. And always thinks it’s fair.

    4. CrunchatizeMeCaptn on

      Oh wow $2 million dollars? He’ll never do that again, that’s a fortune. Good job SEC!

    5. Eternal-Optimist24 on

      Trump’s buddy that took advantage of Trump Making Atlantic City Great Again? 🤦‍♂️

    6. The SEC are a pathetic bunch of old farts that are cowards and whimp’s and get intimidated by notable people and never act accordingly.

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