As the title says

    Posted by eleskias


    1. My only reason for not buying more was because I bought a ton of NVDA and NVDL during the dip. I used up some margin to do so. Had NVDA and NVDL not dropped so much, I may have bought 500 extra shares of ASTS.
      Still, up almost $6k now so I am not complaining.

    2. AllPotatoesGone on

      How did you know? Or wallstreetbets experts have shares of absolutely anything and even if poop corp would explode we would see 1000 screenshots of that?

    3. MrAndroidRobot on

      I’m in the same boat, I also had a $12.5 fall I sold for a small profit but kept the $10 thankfully

    4. ThAaNoNyMoUs0606 on

      Could be worse. Some people are asking themselves why they didn’t buy any at all

    5. I bought at $11 and figured I could re-evaluate in 6 months. Now I have no clue whether to buy more or hold on to my measly piece of the pie.

      Might have to sell off my bank/finance stocks to fund this excursion.

    6. I bought some of those in early July, so not as impressive a chart for me but still good…

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