1. as per tradition, at the opening jackson hole ceremonies they will dress a poor person as a ber and hunt him through the woods with dogs

      if they catch him 6 more months of straight pumping

    2. You saw that dip on NVDA? That was me trying a call after getting fucked by the puts.

    3. EuphoricWizard on

      I was hoping NVDA would float near 120s into earnings then blow past $140 on it.  Now it’s gonna be above $140 on earnings, don’t see it going up 10%+ anymore for earnings 

    4. Jan. calls for SPY ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

    5. rimmingtonrivals on

      I’ve known about ASTS for a few months but instead I’ve been sitting here picking my dick with $3 LUMN puts that expire on the 30th 🤡

    6. TheApocalyticOne on

      Picked up 10 SPY 565C 1DTE a minute before close for $40.

      Let’s see them print 👀

    7. I’m so nervous for tomorrow. First week doing this and I’m up 90% on ASTS. I don’t even understand calls or puts but I’m hoping this shit can help me pay for my wedding next year

    8. Feel like everyone is going to buy and hold NVDA until earnings.

      It’s such a common sentiment

    9. ManBearPig_1983 on

      I have no idea what is going on right now. Bought rocket ship and clover stonk last Friday because of the regardation in this sub.

    10. Plans tomorrow? To celebrate 8/20! Like 4/20 but twice as 🔥 ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)

    11. rimmingtonrivals on

      Whoever goes through and downvotes every comment, you can go fk yourself cunt 🤌

    12. Will_Knot_Respond on

      RH sold me out of my QQQ calls at 3:30pm before the spike because I exceeded their “calculated risk factor”… totally not because I’m too poor to cover…. I want my gambled tendies ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

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