The hype is so big. NVDA has gotta crush expectations or IV is gonna crush the balls of everyone’s calls
Me55y on
Priced in
LegoHentai- on
IV boutta crush everyone’s balls
VastFreedom7 on
let’s go to 140!!!! I’m ready 💪
Peimai on
Bro is gonna sit here and take theta decay before getting IV crushed.
Historical-Patient75 on
I’m thinking I’m going to play QQQ instead. Less IV crush to worry about and will swing big whichever way NVDA goes.
QQQ puts for me.
lkeatron on
Better sell before you lose it all
HG21Reaper on
Bought some calls when the price went under $100 a week or so ago. First time I am actually seeing green on my account.
I think I am doing something wrong.
EnigmaSpore on
the earnings call: *we made so much bank selling shovels…. we’re also going to make more bank next year with our shovel 2.0*
nvda isn’t going to disappoint. what would bring nvda down is when the people who they sell to stop meeting earnings expectations, forecasts, and the profit taking goes full mast from there
PlasticLoveDoll on
Why did the highest strike go up the most? Is it that it has more Implied Volatility?
Woo-hoo, let’s ride that NVidia wave to the moon! 🚀🌕 Just remember, the market can be as unpredictable as my cat on catnip.
Next Thursday, half the sub is posting pictures of their new Ferraris, and half the sub will be selling themselves for money
Think it’s smart to buy calls 8/27 before close? Or buy them now
god speed!!!
Do yall think it will crash or rise after earnings?
Be careful.
The hype is so big. NVDA has gotta crush expectations or IV is gonna crush the balls of everyone’s calls
Priced in
IV boutta crush everyone’s balls
let’s go to 140!!!! I’m ready 💪
Bro is gonna sit here and take theta decay before getting IV crushed.
I’m thinking I’m going to play QQQ instead. Less IV crush to worry about and will swing big whichever way NVDA goes.
QQQ puts for me.
Better sell before you lose it all
Bought some calls when the price went under $100 a week or so ago. First time I am actually seeing green on my account.
I think I am doing something wrong.
the earnings call: *we made so much bank selling shovels…. we’re also going to make more bank next year with our shovel 2.0*
nvda isn’t going to disappoint. what would bring nvda down is when the people who they sell to stop meeting earnings expectations, forecasts, and the profit taking goes full mast from there
Why did the highest strike go up the most? Is it that it has more Implied Volatility?
No IV crush? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4275)
Someone mentioned moon…. Impending crash detected.
Jesus you guys and your options
Lambo or on my knees at Wendy’s – maybe both ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)
Be careful we are twins lol jk jk
LOL, it will be better to sell it before the earnings.
Watching CNBC… last trade was down 20 bucks. To 100. What’s going on? I don’t own it so whatever.
Priced in ?
Nvda up tp 130 already, pretty nuts, 5% gain per day is really incredibly. Average buy in of 93 puts me comfortably in profits. Thank you Jensen