Been ASTS long for 3 years (see my DD post). Rode it from 40k-> 120k -> 18k -> 300k. Don’t think I could have held out if I wasn’t truly insane.

    At 120k TDA called me to ask if I wanted a financial advisor because I was 100% in this one stock and I told them to fuck off. Lost 60% essentially overnight and probably got laughed at by all of thinkorswim support.

    Cried in the shower and hid the account log ins around 18k after realizing I threw the IRA and HSA away. But now we’re back with risk off, costs covered, and the wife talking to me again.

    Posted by F1CKEN


    1. My financial advisor also called me when I first started getting into options. I can’t afford his rate now

    2. suddenly-scrooge on

      congrats man, your wife said she wouldn’t visit as often anymore so i knew she must be happier at home now

    3. Mental illness for sure, you don’t have an exit plan since you held this long and will be a bag holder when this ultimately explodes. We’ve entered obscene wildly overvalued territory, the end is coming and it will decimate you all.

    4. Putrid_Web_8080 on

      My financial advisor said you should look for way to keep all that money to yourself after the divorce so you could invest more on cocaine and hooker. They suggest Thailand (if you want more quality girls but no drugs )or Cabo, the dollar will carry you further in both but Mexico and the coke is not cut with meth or fentanyl (thats american problem) and girls are spicier

    5. Since y’all think it’s going down, why not yolo on puts? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    6. With all these mentally I’ll people making money I should start investing in which ever company makes schizophrenia meds. They can finally afford to start taking them!

    7. TDA called because they knew. They were trying to buy your shares at “he’s definitely standing on a ledge” prices.

      Fuck those guys.

      Congratulations. Remind your wife that the best financial decision humans make are which partner they choose. Now you real “fuck you” money!

    8. Sadly, I just heard about this company this past weekend. I bought some shares today because I think it’s a good long term investment. I know I’m buying high right now, but hopefully looking back on this in a few years ~$30 will be a steal.

    9. PositionOfFuckYou on

      Not calling you a liar but your chat doesn’t show a drop from $120k to $60k….?

    10. Anne_Scythe4444 on

      … you cried in the shower? lol, cmon; atst stock aint that bad…

      everytime i look at asts stock nowadays, i gotta take my sunglasses off again….. i dont have any sunglasses left anymore now, you know what i mean? i taken them off so many time…. daaaaamn like 60%, like 10%, like nother 25%…. who runs this stock???? stock outta contro, look out gonna run you over!! get away from this stock!! i switched outta raytheon for this sh*t, & they launch missiles, but damn, ths sht-…

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