Started trading in Nov 2021 after almost 2 years into my job. What a way to start. Down hill only.

    In 2023 after i got screwed scalping nvda bought like 135 shares of amazon but that sucker gave me 50% gains and that wasnt enough to get me out of my shit. I mean options fucked me up and they still do but i play less now a days. I have AssTits 6.5$ per share and 750 shares strong enabled this.

    I will set a stop loss for 34$ and will exit if things go to shit. I know it has value but rn its kinda behaving like a meme stock, idk I’m a regard.

    Good to be back for now, i know I’m still down 20K if i just invested in SPY and DCAing.

    Tldr: all time green color feels good. GreenDay is best. Imma basket case thinking about Holiday but got lost in Boulevard of broken dreams singing Good Riddance cuz I’ve lived like an American Idiot.

    Posted by involuntary_skeptic


    1. Vacheron_Partners on

      This is what happens when you dont buy options as a majority of your holdings lol

    2. You know that when you see mfs talk about a stock saying shit like “we” and “genius CEO” and rocket emojis it has topped

    3. **Those of us who cannot remember our past mistakes, are condemned to repeat them.**
      Congrats to you.. just keep in mind how you felt when you almost lost it all.. and think about that when you have an itch to gamble it all on some strategies!

    4. I’ve seen lots of people bow out after a few months of loss, so I’m proud of you booboo. Also, what would you say is the single most important thing you’ve learned?

    5. Congratulations, keep doing what you’re doing. I did that the slow way like you, chipping away and taking profits , not getting greedy, cutting your losses and look for the next deal. Then I got cocky and over leveraged my account and went all in like an idiot. KEEP DOING WHATEVER IT IS THATS WORKING AND DONT GET GREEDY

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