If only I wa


    Posted by I_love_among_us69


    1. You got a win which is what matters. Well done.
      Still, I know how you feel though. I bought 2 calls for ASTS with a $20 strike price. Now worth more than $$3k.
      I kept saying to my GF all night yesterday.. if only I bought more!!
      In the end though, I rather play it safe than to risk it all and be sorry!

    2. LifeAdorable1585 on

      I bought an Aug 30 and sept 6 125 call when the market crashed and I’m up 600% too, pretty sweet

    3. dont worry. i had the exact same contracts and everything sold when it dipped to 116 the other day smh. awful

    4. I have a silly question I haven’t been able to clarify myself.

      His expiration is 8/23. As of the posting, he is +2,505.00.

      But anything can happen before 8/23.

      My questions are:
      1. Can he/she exercise early and pocket the 2,505.00?
      2 if he/she sells the contract early, does he get 2,505.00?

      I appreciate your help!

    5. nvda up 4% from 124 in a day is nuts, good shit man!

      i foresee a selloff premarket/tomorrow but 140 by friday is looking likely – maybe even by wednesday lmao

    6. Accomplished_Mango64 on

      Nice. I’m in the same position here. I’m thinking if I should buy nvdx now or its too late 🙁

    7. Make sure you save the tax man’s money. You out here buying night vision goggles. 🫠

    8. NOLA_Chronicle on

      Considering it was my first time doing options, I only got 1 contract, but was very similar to yours here. Turned $155 into 1k so far. Gonna execute and hope RH doesn’t come for my nads while I ride them till earnings.

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