A preview of JPlow’s Jackson Hole speech:


    Posted by Syab_of_Caltrops


    1. The-Phantom-Blot on

      GWB did that photo op in 2003, and US troops were definitely in Iraq until 2021. So you’re saying interest rates will stay high until 2042. Did I understand it correctly?

    2. Does his job exclusively involve him going to 5 star resorts for conferences and alluding to interest rate increases/decreases ?

    3. So anyone putting a little bet on the fed fucking us all and not having the market that rate cut everyone’s factoring in?

    4. Im_A_MechanicalMan on

      This made me laugh. It is the first time in a long time one of the stupid memes from here did that. Nice.

    5. longwaveradio on

      “I can hear you… and soon the people who raised these prices… WILL HEAR ALL OF US”

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