21M Started the year off pretty well was up YTD about 34% in June, discovered options around late May and had found some modest success.

    I guess you can see for yourself where things took a left turn. A few bad plays, using margin for options, leveraged equities blah blah blah later I found myself down almost 70%

    Disheartened I vowed to stop options and trading as a hobby… for a whole week. I decided I couldn’t let this be the end of things and I doubled down. For the next week I dedicated my life to studying options, doing better DD (as much as a WSB regard like me can do anyways) and cleared my mind with some mental exercises, which included primarily of playing online poker.

    The following week I decided to get back into trading and this time with a better head on my shoulders and a more serious outlook on this. And after just 2 and a half weeks, I finally broke even on my YTD. Moral of the story, analyze your failures, and don’t give up. Godspeed regards πŸš€

    TL;DR WSB regard goes full degen and loses 70% of portfolio, then channels inner Jim Simon’s to make it all back in 2 weeks.


    Posted by levisfaded


    1. I bought a lot of Whole Foods stock a few years ago literally the day before it tanked. The day before. Not Intel guy amounts, but it did hurt. I kept it, and it took over a year to recover, and eventually got bought by Amazon for a nice profit.

    2. I was told to always inverse advice here, looks like I’ll have to give up then ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    3. KillerSKULL2015 on

      This will be me… I’m not giving up even after my entire savings of $11k lost, I’m going to continue trying and going at it. I’ll make it back eventually. Just a matter of time

    4. just play the theme from rocky, play some online poker. power read some dd. Im back Baby!

    5. But I literally gave up about 1 year ago and I learned not only am I a worthless trader, I am unable to prosper overall.

    6. Impossible_Buy_1335 on

      Fuck, we are at same pace. from 30K to 7K, today back to 20K. Wish me the luck hah

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