100x over 6 months. I’ve moved around the market all year but $ASTS is where I’ll park it.


    Posted by fheuwial


    1. LOVE it when fellow brothers post such huge gains. Good for you.
      I am up by about $5K which is measly compared to your gains. But I am happy all around!

    2. WSB regards scratching their heads who memed on ASTS few months ago ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)![img](emote|t5_2th52|4267)

    3. Imaginary_Ad9141 on

      It’s so strange when you finally stop throwing money out the window and fully commit to one. (talking about ASTS, not marriage).

    4. Disastrous_Chef_9718 on

      I don’t really know what I’m doing with this stuff but I bought 10 shares of asts in may and oh how I wish I bought more

    5. OffByOneErrorz on

      I’ve seen this before it’s a WSB classic. Take gains don’t be Gee M Eeee truthers.

    6. Fun-Ganache7569 on

      Does $ASTS have more upside? It’s up by another 24% today! Bloody impressive !!! Will it be too late to get in?

    7. P_BatemanPhonkMix on

      So you are up 1000% return and you are going to continue to hold.

      This can’t possibly go tits up

    8. I’m up 8K 220%. Read some random post a while ago about the various partnerships and it went from $10 to now since then. Who doesn’t want cell access on all points on earth…

    9. Savage_Asian_Boy on

      Is it too late to buy into ASTS? I’m talking like $1000, nothing huge just for some short term growth

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