Attached DD:

    Credits to /rAlmondjoy101 for amazing DD

    Posted by startedstonks04-2020


    1. Spacecowboy2011 on

      I’m a pleb and just doing straight stocks with a small amount of cash, but god damn this is a nice run to see. Just started and been using this sub as my primary go-to for the up and coming stuff, so will double the thanks as without that post about LUNR, I’d have no clue about this stock.

    2. I only heard of this company today, and only threw Β£200 at it as a random gamble, whilst it was already 12% up at 4.66. I’m now sitting at +25% and I literally don’t know Jack shit about the company lol

    3. morbidangel27 on

      Damn I need money lol. Takes like 5 days for it to hit my broker and even then would be like 100 bucks. Glad ya’ll are printing hard!

    4. ChoccyMilkIsMyLife on

      Bought 12 shares with the ~$60 I had just sitting in my account. I’m definitely going to hold it too long and lose money, but I’m in.

    5. ChoccyMilkIsMyLife on

      Bought 12 shares with the ~$60 I had just sitting in my account. I’m definitely going to hold it too long and lose money, but I’m in.

    6. I bought lunr calls itm/ntm to recover my ASTS calls tanking but now those are red too πŸ™ hopefully this rocket keeps going

    7. Copped 50 shares because I’m scared to yolo my life’s savings 🀣🀣

    8. Grand_Swan8528 on

      I hope people take profits on these πŸŒ™ companies… . But I also like loss porn more then Sex with your wives

    9. Damnit someone literally said LUNR yesterday… waited to today to fund my account.. to late?

    10. MistaMischief on

      $6 call for 9/27 this year is up 15,700%. Anyone catch that fuckin unicorn? I’m always a day late and too many dollars short.

    11. MediocreDesigner88 on

      $LUNR, though it’s a legit company, should absolutely be the WSB pump, it’s literally to the moon πŸš€

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