Nvidia puts expiring next week.


    Posted by NoRepresentative5413


    1. If you’re true to your conviction then buy calls against your position, and create a spread.

    2. Parking_Station7086 on

      dude you are literally the living proof that billionaires are probably just lucky and not smart like some people think

    3. stockmarkettrader on

      You could have just bought the stock…or done nothing. Doing nothing is something the best thing you can do.

    4. DwightSchrute8 on

      Are you serious? How are you all getting all of this money just to make a play like *this*? Can you just give me some money? At least it’ll go to good use then.

    5. how are you people able to lose so much goddamn money, I am crying my eyes out when I am losing by 20 bucks.

    6. throttlebodies on

      If it’s good enough to post it’s good enough to sell ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4258)

    7. Puzzled_Lobster_69 on

      Why? earnings beat coming up, 3 year bull market, insiders like pelosi buying in but you’re buying puts? Seriously save yourself and cash out or buy calls man

    8. Fair_Importance_7460 on

      Why do people go this big in a single buy on Robinhood? You guys know Citadel sees that and instantly fucks you over, right? Hell, if the market is slow enough, they’ll dump millions just to take your $100

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