Leaked Documents Show Nvidia Scraping ‘A Human Lifetime’ of Videos Per Day to Train AI


    Posted by Mister_Lonely_


    1. Mister_Lonely_ on

      Made me laugh way more than it should – what a chad move from Nvidia ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    2. Ok_Engineering_3212 on

      Imagine being created just so you can absorb a million lifetimes of stupid videos from shit eating half monkeys that intend to use you as a digital slave.

    3. DontTakeMeSeriousli on

      Imagine it’s scraping nothing but Reddit??? That’ll be one fugged up AI 🤣 it’ll probably be yoloing into $ANAL for days

    4. Imagine if an AI bot scraps WSB and starts trading billions in daily options causing a financial crises.

    5. Preform_Perform on

      NVidia when they take 80 years of content every day: Seems legit.

      Me when I use a 2 second clip of a nuke exploding from Spongebob Squarepants: OH NO NO NO NO NO NO!

    6. At one point, AI will reach this sub reddit and all of its logic will be thrown out of windows ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    7. HarryPhajynuhz on

      I feel like at a certain point it’s just going to be garbage videos that will just make the AI dumber.

    8. It’s not just nvidia, it’s all the big tech companies. Scraping traffic is becoming a legitimate issue for many smaller websites, with their sites being hit with disproportionately large volumes of egress from overly aggressive web scrapers.

    9. Thats an interesting limitation of AI– currently it just observes human action and tries to imitate it, but what happens when it runs out of humans to imitate?

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