The market loves to do the opposite of what everyone wants. And every single damn week, there’s still a bunch of people trying to cash in on an epic drop of the stock market relentlessly losing money over and over again before posting about their losses on this sub and have it be upvoted on the front page.

    This implies that the more doubters there are, the more the stock will keep going up. It’s quite literally that simple. It’s not as if the fundamentals for the company are changing week by week. And yes, hedge funds do monitor subs like this to gather retail sentiment and often build up positions against them. Be careful and be wary.

    Look at what happened over the last one and a half month. The stock drops more than 40% with most people talking about sub 70 prices just for Wall Street to pick up cheaper NVDA calls right before earnings knowing that it will run up.

    They’ve done this already during the run up to the last two earnings and they did it again. See you at 150+ yet again

    Why NVDA will keep going up as long as there’s still put buyers remaining
    byu/TheWikKidChef inwallstreetbets

    Posted by TheWikKidChef


    1. TheLastModerate982 on

      “The market loves to do the opposite of what everyone wants.”

      When you anthropomorphize the market in your first sentence, I know it’s gonna be rock solid DD.

    2. OrdinaryReasonable63 on

      This is why I don’t announce my trades, I like to sneak up on the market ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)

    3. Affectionate-File639 on

      “This implies that the more doubters there are, the more the stock will keep going up” – it implies no such thing. The two are not causal, rather, spurious correlations at best.

    4. Legitimate_Cable_811 on

      By the same logic. Nvda will keep going down as long as there’s still call buyers remaining

    5. Ok_Garbage7339 on

      lol NVDA short interest is 1.17% of daily float….its actually not that high all things considered. I do think the people shorting it are gonna suffer unless the started at over $130/share

    6. Fictional-adult on

      People who buy NVDA puts have the smoothest of brains. If you think semiconductors or AI are overhyped, short one of the dozen companies that are literally just vibing along on NVDA’s wave. 

      Instead you want to short the leader in the space? The company that has consistently defied expectations? The company that’s tied into more industries than your smooth brain can even track? That’s years ahead of their competitors, and has TSMC’s fabs locked down for the next decade?

      It’s like when I want SPY puts because I’m feeling bear curious. I buy COIN puts instead, because if the market goes down COIN is burning right along with it, and if the market doesn’t go down, that trash company may randomly catch fire all on its own.

    7. Thinking that a few putty cats caused any part of this run up is hillaryous. That shit was algorithmic harmony shitstorm.

    8. I think they will probably dump nvidia whenever the israeli /iran war starts probably friday

    9. Ain’t no one betting against Nvidia lol, either bullish or staying away before earnings

    10. behindcl0seddrs on

      lol 😂 okay then. Also idk what you’re looking at but I’d say most people are positing their calls and are bullish so…

    11. Hate to break it to you but they don’t need to monitor subs. They manipulate subs. They already buy aggregate retail data from the brokers.

    12. Given that info, IWM is going to moon Thursday, Friday and Monday. And I’ll be holding my Nvidia bag

    13. I often invest over a thousand dollars at once. So, obviously I try to keep my trades secret because I have the power to move markets.

    14. Your_friend_Satan on

      Reflexive machine at work. Soros has a chapter on reflexivity in The Alchemy of Finance.

    15. fairlyaveragetrader on

      You know what I think is frustrating a lot of people, like big picture, they don’t really understand the liquidity cycle. So during COVID the wealthy got this windfall of money in various ways, there was no discernible interest rate so it found its way into every asset. High rates now, lots of money and cash, they are aggressively buying bonds as well. As we get into a rate cutting cycle that money that’s in money markets and some of it that’s in bonds is going to find its way into other assets. I totally get that the average guy that’s making $40 or 50K a year is struggling right now and it’s easy to think the economy is in shambles when that’s your friend circle, the thing is, the wealthy are still doing just fine. Next year is looking to be another year of asset accumulation, the real question with Nvidia is how long does the AI narrative last because as long as it does, as long as they keep up this growth and this story, there’s plenty of money to chase it even if you don’t personally have very much.

    16. VolatilityVandel on

      People in trading subs love to say hedge funds monitor these subs for sentiment. Why TF would they do that when there’s market data that does the same thing.? Why would they come to Reddit to observe sentiment when they can simply look at data. Why come into the midst of all this BS when the information they seek is in the numbers?!? It’s the most absurd argument I see here and it’s just stupid. This sub is full of degenerate gamblers. They’re already losers FFS. There’s absolutely nothing to see here.

      If you want to know market sentiment just look at P/C, OI, volume or all 3.

      PS: While I agree about the cognitions on market movement, conspiracy theories aren’t a good trading strategy. Even if it be correct that market trends opposite of OI, it’s more important to get short-term directions correct than long-term. Because in the long-term, market makers will sweep those trades in both directions. Therefore even trading opposite to the market you can still lose. It’s for those reasons I trade 0DTE. The longer you hold and option or any security, the greater the risk, especially when it comes to options.

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