The Fed is releasing a major revision Wednesday that might show 1 million fewer jobs

    Posted by Friedlemad


    1. Although it’s the Post, which often is like the National Enquirer of news, I think there may be some merit to this article.

      I have connections with several people who operate employment services throughout the country and each of them have been talking about a major uptick in those seeking out their services. Typically such services are a last resort of job seekers who have been unsuccessful looking for new jobs on their own.

      Since january most have said they’ve experieced 40-50% higher numbers, and very often in the professional sectors like banking, IT and factory workers. And many employers are now cutting back even further, which tells me that the problem was worse, longer than anyone admitted.

      How the Dept of Labor can get their numbers so wrong is baffling. It’s literally their ONE job to do.

    2. GotBannedAgain_2 on

      When’s the fucking report coming out? I am asking for a highly regarded friend who’s got UVIX calls.

    3. If the whole “point” of raising interest rates was to drive up unemployment because somehow that would lower inflation (less spending because poors don’t buy crap), then the bigger the unemployment number the closer we “should” be to rate cuts… right? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4640)

    4. MakingItElsewhere on

      This article, like so, so many others are just taking a tiny bloomberg article about this…

      “Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and Wells Fargo & Co. economists expect the government’s preliminary benchmark revisions on Wednesday to show payrolls growth in the year through March was at least 600,000 weaker than currently estimated — about 50,000 a month.”

      …and trying to make it sound like a million jobs suddenly went away.

      Meanwhile, BLS is showing a steady 8 million non-farm job openings for the year, which is 2 million more than there were in 2020.


    5. And tomorrow in a dark room in some billion dollar hedge fund will sit a quant programming a large language module so the “new and improved AI” high frequency trading algos can replace more humans.

      But hey, we all got rich on $NVDA.

    6. So… Will this be a bad news is bad news play or bad news is good news play? Getting hard to tell these days.

      Either way, since they ~~pre-announced~~ leaked it, it’s already priced in.

    7. And I said just a few weeks ago that they’ve never revised any numbers! ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    8. Slowly_We_Rot_ on

      Need to pull liquidity from the wealthy the poor people are to busy trying to afford food on the table, meanwhile past 3 years in a row all the major luxury brands Ferrari, Lamborghini, Bentley, etc etc are selling year over year record sales. This all started 3 years ago!

      WAKE THE FUCK UP! The economy and wallstreet is one big fraudulent scheme to funnel more cash to the useless 1% who will only use it to buy more useless shit!

      10s of trillions of dollars spent/handed out in 2021-2023, all fraudulently into the hands of the 1%/tech/wallstreet and scammers. Trillions handed out and forgiven fraudulently and those are the people endlessly spending driving up the costs of everything

    9. Specialist-Union-775 on

      Ah yes, ever reliable source of government and finance news, the New York Post.

      I mean, even a blind squirrel finds nuts now and then, but this is, as [John Mulaney put it](, “is like talking to someone who heard the news, and now they’re trying to give you the gist. You get the same amount of information if you grabbed someone on the street and were like ‘WHAT HAPPENED TODAY?!'”

    10. EnthusiasmSea850 on

      They will cook the number of UE to make it look good but reality we know UE number is higher

    11. BranFendigaidd on

      Premarket will go up so you can sell at open for a lesser loss before the red flood opens. Then any rate cuts will be understood as reactional and dump the market even more.

      Warren knew it. He had the info already. The MF! 😂

    12. threefold_law on

      Current monetary policy is designed to slow the fuck out of the economy so course we see shit economic data, we need this to justify rate cuts. You think we’re gonna go down from these rates by seeing moderately good data? They need to see bleeding

      There’s the balance of either cutting too late or too soon, the better of the two is cutting too late, if u cut too soon inflation comes back and shit starts over and is uglier as high inflation is prolonged.

    13. it was for a point in between between 18 months and 6 months ago. i don’t think it is material anymore

    14. Budget_Load_1010 on

      Some bad employment is a sign that the higher rates are working but there hasn’t been any blood in the housing sector. He not cutting until he sees blood.

    15. My friend has been looking for a job and just stopped last month out of giving up on life, I think thats good for us because his number doesnt count now? I think we are good

    16. Dems being dems…it’s all good out there. Nothing to see here folks. The moose outside should have told ya.

    17. lonewalker1992 on

      Can’t wait for the Big D to invite jerome powell for a dressing down in the oval and the audio leaking. Only the orange man can now put these paper pushing, sycophants at the Fed in their place, have been wrong on everything and tanked the economy because wanted to have a few circle jerk research papers written about them

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