I was in a car accident November 2023. The car was brand new had only driven it for two weeks. The other driver who was under 18, was deemed at fault. I filed through their insurance.( since then I have learned this was not the best thing to have done. ) Their insurance company decided to fix the car.

    The car spent quite a few months in a body shop. When I got it back in May I only drove it for two days until it started showing signs of issues. I had to take it to the actual dealership this time as issues were something electrical that only the dealership mechanics could fix. The dealership fixed the issues I believe it was around early June, and I got it back, drove it for a day and again it started having issues. I took it back, they diagnosed it, and were going to fix it again, but because the car is a model that is fairly new they don’t really make too many of the specific part needed to fix the car, they told me the part they need would not be in for another month and a half.

    Now insurance is telling me they are going to take my rental car away. ( I have been in a rental for like 8 months now.)Their point is that because the dealership is waiting for a part. The car is not being actively fixed. The part is coming in in two weeks.

    I also asked them why have they not totaled it and they say it’s because the car has not reached the threshold. The damage is sitting at 26k and my car was 27k when I bought it as it was a new model as well.

    Any advice on how to proceed would be appreciated.

    Sorry for any formatting issues or grammatical errors in advanced as I am posting from my phone.

    TDLR; Insurance company taking away car rental after car accident because they say the car isn’t actively being worked on since the dealership is waiting for a car part to come in.

    Insurance is making me turn in rental car.
    byu/mozzarellastickslove inInsurance

    Posted by mozzarellastickslove

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