Jpow, I never needed you like I do right now

    Posted by plutrons


    1. Curious-Parrot on

      Jpow doesn’t need you unless you’re losing your job right now.

      Get to work. Oh wait.

    2. I just risked this with Varta (VAR1.DE): luckily near the deadline Porsche injected 100M saving it from bankruptcy (at least for the time being).

      *Edit: still likely to be valued zero and delisted after restructuring*

    3. Does the last jobs report being revised down by over 800,000 have anything to do with this red day?

    4. Fundamentally, everything is in line. Tech is being sunk prior to earnings. Exact same path as 2 weeks ago.

      They’re tanking it to shake you out and rebuy lower.

      Not a doubt in my mind. Jobless claims are up, but nothing else indicates a tech sell off.

    5. planethempnaarea on

      I bought $10K of TQQQ calls for March 30th at open. Losing 75% but I have faith in this run towards NVDA earnings

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