My 9-year old son accidentally brushed up against a car on our street while biking home – the rubber handlebar of the bike made a scuff about 9 inches long on the car, but it did not scratch it enough so that the paint was hit (just the top clear coat was scuffed), and I really thought it would just buff out. We searched for the owner of the car in a nearby house and gave him our information so we could fix the situation. Now the car owner wants us to pay $2,000 plus rental charges and doesn't seem willing to let us to get our own estimate, so now things seem a bit shady. We sent the pictures to a couple auto shops and they all said it was an easy paintless fix, maybe a few hundred bucks.

    I don't think our auto insurance would cover it, and our homeowners deductible is $4000+. Is this just something we need to pay out of pocket?

    If he actually went through his auto insurance, would we just be out his deductible? Or would they try to make us pay the full cost from whatever estimate he obtained on his own?

    Not sure if it matters, but our state does have a clause that says the below:

    "The parent or guardian of a minor who is under the age of 18 and who is living with the parent or guardian and who willfully or maliciously causes injury to any person or damage to any property is jointly and severally liable with such minor for such injury or damage to an amount not exceeding $1,000, if such minor would have been liable for such injury or damage if the minor had been an adult."

    My kid made a little scuff on a car from the handlebar on his bike – car owner wants me to pay $2000+
    byu/peachtoadstool06 inInsurance

    Posted by peachtoadstool06

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