BMW Overtakes Tesla in European EV Sales for First Time

    Posted by BetsMcKenzie


    1. When Tesla starts to make cars that last 20+ years then it could start to call itself a car company. Until then, Musking smoke and mirrors.

    2. Tesla can’t compete in Asia with BYD, but didn’t expect them to lose in Europe as well.

    3. Regard with Europoor In-laws here, can confirm. BIG push for EV in Germany, but no one likes TSLA because they take too long to service. You could be without your car for months. So they arent buying new ones.

    4. KoolKatsarecool on

      BMW doesn’t profit on their EV sales and neither do any of the VW brands. That’s why Germany is heavily asking for the EU to allow eco fuel vehicles in the future even after investing millions/billions into new EV factories and technology.

    5. For actual investors, this is a clickbait article. BMW overtook Tesla for a single month only.

      These fluctuations are common due to unstable EV shipments.

    6. I emptied my salary account on bull x10 tesla after watching it drop for a while.

      Lets have some fun

      Edit: It kept dropping afterwards, but.. We’ll be fine.

    7. I used to like BMWs – my brother had one of those fugly Coupes that looked like a shoe – man that thing was a dream to drive.

      But now every model they make is 1,000lbs too heavy and they just slap the M badge on everything. Soccer moms driving 150K M cars that never go over 40mph. It’s a status symbol. I guess BMW is making fat $, so they are probably happy.

    8. At a huge fucking loss, and for one month. Come back when they have learned to be profitable on EVs instead of fast forwarding their own bankruptcy.

    9. That came as a surprise, I always thought Mercedes would lead the pack from the Germans EVs. I mean it’s also pretty hard to keep up with BMW’s portfolio, I find the naming confusing and haven’t completely understood which ones are the EV models. Some basic articles give like a brief description what’s BMW been upto, [like this one.]( I haven’t read many reviews about how BMW EVs are doing, but knowing the German quality standards, if the Europeans are gegting a strong foothold, boy Tesla might have some rocky roads ahead.

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