ASTS is the future of connectivity. 2030 estimates put the share price at $600.

    I plan to be back to this Reddit in a few years with even bigger ASTS gains!

    Please proceed with the WSB style congratulations! I finally got a turn to post drool worthy portfolio gains!

    Posted by Commodore64__


    1. Ok_Garbage7339 on

      lol Jesus Christ, good for you man. Now just buy NVDA shares and sell CC’s ATM expiring next week – you’ll scoop up ~$80,000 in premium lol

    2. Yeah but you’d be sitting in a dark closet talking to your broken laptop if that stock had been $INTC.

      Does grandma even know about satellites?

    3. CalottoFantasy5 on

      DM me a pic ur erect dick right now, and I’ll quite my job and cum work for you…

    4. godswillonlyworks on

      Oh mother of earnings! Please 🙏🏻 please tell me how to make the same?? Help

    5. Apart-Consequence881 on

      Did you take profits along the way? What’s you exit plan? How would you deal with holding and the stock plummets back to single digits within a year? Would you hold or sell?

    6. winewithlunch on

      genuinely curious. I just now saw this stock. Is this better than Elon’s starlink? Do they use his rockets to go to space? Is this the only big player that is public? thx.

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