

    Posted by cuginetony


    1. Dogewarrior1Dollar on

      This happens all the time. The 2008 had a huge subprime mortgage bubble coming off a super heated real estate everywhere in the world. At this point, there is nothing of that sort. We are nowhere near that kind of crises. The Fed cut before too between 2008-2024, we have had many fed rate increases and cuts.

      We are probably in a start of a small recession but it is usually nothing big.

    2. Short_Classy_Name on

      “Look dad, when I force two charts to look similar, they actually look really close to each other!!!! 🥳🥳🥳”

    3. Hmm i wonder if the housing bubble bursting crashed the market, no it was the rate cut that did that. Also correlation equals causation dont forget that too.

    4. Syab_of_Caltrops on

      This is what happens when ber runs out of nitrous and switches to household product inhalants.

    5. Strong-Amphibian-143 on

      The difference is, strippers don’t own three houses now, using negative equity loans, like they did back then in 2007

    6. I heard the stock market performed very poorly in year 1 A.D. due to the murder of Jesus, could we be having a similar drop?

    7. Mantis_Tobbagen on

      One red day and all the gay bears come out thinking the world is ending tomorrow

    8. You show us a chart and an emoji and call that a discussion? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

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