Put it short, July 13 got in car crash. Husband was driving. Backed up into someone, no one was hurt & we agreed to do no insurance. Man said he’d hit us up. He did (3 weeks later) saying that we can do half and half on payment. Verbal quote of 2,600.Gave him 200 that same friday he told me that. (Said he wanted $200 every friday)Next upcoming week rent came so i only gave him $100. Told him we should go to a shop to get official quote & money breakdowns. We agreed. Two of those times he cancelled meet up. Third time he also cancellled. Trying again and told him i’d withhold payments until we can go and get official paperwork of it. He said that’ll prolong everything and it doesn’t satisfy him that he only has 350. But bruh, we’re not stopping payments we’re just wanting to go through a shop. He didn’t answer us that whole week of us wanting to go, hit us up this friday saying he was suing us. But we were waiting on HIM?? so we said that’s fine then he just went to say i’ve been busy but we should do the right thing and go to shops but that’ll still prolong everything. So if he doesn’t want to meet up is it wrong of me to just block him?? what’s taking so long?? It’s a single income household and i need to know what i need to budget. Let me know if i’m wrong for thinking this way? I have a toddler and even i can make time to meet up with him and i live away from the city i crashed in, he’s from there
    (Bumper/hood was crashed into. No internal damage) I’m really just trying to do the right thing here but like? it’s been so prolonged by HIM. Like why

    Got into small car crash. Me and other driver did no insurance route. Paid him 350 for starter before we can get a quote but he hasn’t wanted to meet up
    byu/Big_Landscape2293 inInsurance

    Posted by Big_Landscape2293

    1 Comment

    1. You’re handling this privately. What exactly is your question regarding insurance? 

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