I am a international student in the states and I was a day trader( thought I am), betting money everyday on the market. The first month was good and I made 4k on SPY QQQ DIA options and one mcd put option. Until 2/23/24 I bought 100 put options on SPY, that was a misclick. Then the market went up I was down 4k immediately. All I was thinking is I cant afford the loss but the stupidest thing I did was I double down and prayed… then lost 7k. At that time I knew I was gambling but I cant not control myself because I didnt want to accept the result. All in and lost totally 28k or something. Sorry for the grammar mistakes and nonsense, I just want to remind people if you wanna go yolo, it’s fine but before that better learn anything possible to increase the odds of winning. That’s it check out the pics.


    Posted by Flaky-Ad-8340


    1. You weren’t going to do much with it anyways. Do they have Wendy’s in your home country?

    2. Insert_KarmaHere on

      “That was a misclick” ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)…. Embrace lost tendies. Welcome home ![img](emote|t5_2th52|52627)

    3. YogurtclosetBrave499 on

      You just paid your tuition for your first class in trading. #1 stay away from options unless you know how to use them to your advantage

    4. I need to stop gambling with tuition money too ![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)![img](emote|t5_2th52|18630)

      Half tuition due next month and half due in January ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)![img](emote|t5_2th52|31226)

    5. SocraticGoats on

      How can you have 4k loss with a missclick? Was the spread 40c a contract? I thought spy options had tight spreads

    6. Been a good day for loss porn…. Webull not so friendly to the eye tho we prefer that red on black line down to the ground

    7. Nah bro. Risk level is “safe”. You’re good. I’ll also take a regular frosty please.

    8. In a fit of twisted optimism, he threw his chips on the table, hoping for a jackpot, but the wheel spun him straight into the jaws of financial ruin.

      What’s your play tomorrow?

    9. LearnNewThingsDaily on

      College is overrated! Just use chat-gpt and you’ll learn everything you need

    10. FlanTypical8844 on

      Throw the rest of the tuition $ into INTEL and you maybe will be paid someday with grandma guy…someday.

    11. TheMushroomGuy on

      Excuse my ignorance, I don’t do margin. TFSA and cash accounts only. That being said, I’m curious how margin accounts work when you owe? Depends on the brokerage I’m sure, but can someone provide some examples/average expectations?

    12. “I lost all my tuition” fits the melody of the song “Losing my Religion” by REM so you’ve at least gained a catchy little tune that you can hum yourself to sleep with. 

    13. You paid for an experience and you got one. Take it back to your country and tell them about how much fun you had.

    14. happens to everyone, sooner or later everyone goes bust. let me buy you a cup of coffee

    15. You said it yourself. You were “betting” not trading. Its most likely your parents money anyway so im sure theyll send you more!

    16. Son, you just bought yourself the most valuable education of all.

      Never go full regard

    17. No risk management, no money management. That’s why you lose money.

      If I lose too much and I feel like I need to keep going with bigger amounts because I think I can make it back – I get up and go for a walk. That’s enough for today. I’m not ready to gamble because I’m not in control of my mind. If I don’t control my mind, I can not make good decisions. No good decision- I’ll loose money.

      money loves a cold heart and a clear mind

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