1. BigBoiBenisBlueBalls on

      The police dog when it realizes the coke is in my ass ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    2. Eli_the_chaos_fox on

      Continents are an illusion created by big landmass to trick you into having more countries

    3. SnowballSnozberry on

      Baby girls and broskis. I bought an undee the desk treadmill. 800 bucks.  Better be good. I’m always standing anyway cuz I gotta pimp stand-up desk so might as well try it. Key is warranty cuz those things will break down fast. I’ll letcha know if it’s worth it. It’s supposed to be silent and ill. We’ll seeee

    4. i-love-big-tiddys on

      Have an aunt, 35 y/o with 3 kids and hubby. Just found out she have a bf, planning to divorce the husband soon holy shit, i wish i was faking it out for karma but god fuckin damn, shits so wild my entire family (not limited to immediate family) , are gossiping about this like crazy. Welp

    5. Need you all to pump nvda, bigly. To around 140, today would be best but can settle for Monday.


    6. We are all going to FOMO the fuck out of calls whilst jpow speaks before the market does yesterdays playbook all over again

    7. When you start seeing “what was that?!” And signle red candles that turn the hourly from green to red you know your calls are fucked.

    8. Visited the Vatican two days ago, everything super ornate and plated in gold. Today, stopped in Marseilles where the pope had another ridiculous palace. They out here telling us to be give them money and to donate but they’re the richest mf’ers on the planet… what a scam!

    9. how i believe day will go:

      green first minute or 2
      then semi dip
      dips more into jpow
      severe dip during jpow talks
      market wide selloff once talk is done
      light selling around noon
      then massive sell off the rest of the day into close with zero recovery

    10. Next person to comment in here or post in wall street bets about some Elmer fud nonsense bullshit can fight me right now. SPY to 600 today

    11. No-Improvement3164 on

      Just remember what IWM did the last time JPOW spoke. It pumped I chased and holding bags now.

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