13.5x return on 0dte play. Sold few mins after the screenshot, netting an additional 1k.


    Posted by gentle_giant_91


    1. ~~Math ain’t mathing. I’m dumb. No coffee and it’s 7am.~~

      ~~You spend 16k to make 14k?~~

      I need glasses

    2. If you don’t mind. Can you please tell me that do you buy at the money, in the money, or out of the money calls?

    3. gentle_giant_91 on

      Bought 40 puts at 0.32 for total of 1280. Sold everything for total of 17,250 (screenshot was taken a minute before I closed position)

    4. sorry, options noob:

      is each contract divided by the options ratio, multiplied by the average cost to get your purchase?

      so when you buy 40 puts, you are buying 4000 options with a ratio of 0.01?

      4000×0.32 = 1280USD?

      Just trying to follow along from Yurop, since Trade Republic gives slightly different document info on the summaries. thx

    5. Literally bought puts at open and sold them for meager profit right before the big dump. Could have been me but I’m regarded.

    6. beautiful-love on

      how far OTM did u buy at the time? I’m too scared to go to far OTM in case it gets choppy

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