I’ve been cooking the data, stirring the pot. Fucking with numbers, I’ve got what they want.


    Posted by TradeTheZones


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      **Total Submissions** | 10 | **First Seen In WSB** | 2 years ago
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    2. SocialyAwkwardBonobo on

      fuck your puts
      fuck your calls
      JPOW got you by the balls


    3. hi performances keep getting better. he’s going to be the ruler of nashville, as well as green dildos.

    4. NVDAPleasFlyAgain on

      JPow is definitely chewing on tobacco and slamming his missus while humming this song

    5. Gaurav_212005 on

      Deepfakes are getting scarily good, but at least they can be used to make fun of things, which is good. ![img](emote|t5_2th52|4271)

    6. You can literally see the manipulation yesterday! What the fuck, everything down, “people”bought loads of shit and now we’re going to get a bull market for at least a month

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