Didn’t know intel CEO is also a degenerate


    Posted by one_aim


    1. He’s a troll. He bought like a few hundred thousand to make it seem like he gives a shit and is “invested” in the company – Virtue signaling at its finest, since it’s a drop in the bucket of how much he made helping this company go down the shitter

      From Barron’s “May 3, 2024 — *Gelsinger* paid $250,000 over April 29 and May 1 for a total of *Intel* 8,100 shares, an average price of $30.85 each.” – FFS, Grandma’s boy spent 3 times as much

      [Intel CEO Pat Gelsinger Picks Up Stock Near 2024 Low Barron’s https://www.barrons.com › articles › intel-stock-buy-ce…](https://www.barrons.com/articles/intel-stock-buy-ceo-pat-gelsinger-78fe93f1)


      [The top paid people in US silicon | Fierce Electronics](https://www.fierceelectronics.com/embedded/10-highest-paid-people-silicon)

    2. He did the equivalent of you like reaching in your wallet, pulling out five bucks and throwing it on the stock market.

    3. How the hell does that CEO still have a job? It’s like being one of two companies that sells water in the desert. If you fuck up selling chips with demand this high, you’re a pure regard.

    4. Dude only owns like 200k shares. He exercises and sells his awards immediately and then buys a couple thousand shares at a time to keep you regards on the hook.

    5. >I’m doing a good job, right?? Right?? Excuse me while I hook my nuclear powered x86 processor up so I could melt a cup of coffee. Hopefully that’ll be enough power to boot up my hard drive!

    6. I think part of his pay package is paid in shares, I don’t think he is buying they are just vested shares that he cannot probably sell for x years

    7. When you’re rich and dial your broker instead of your pimp.. buying “the bottom” got him shares instead of a hot twink..

    8. I don’t understand how this guy hasn’t been fired. I’m the first to defend capitalism and ambivilance to executive compensation but it’s ludicrous this guy still has his job.

    9. celticcross13 on

      Good things are coming for Intel. My nephew works there and said it’s a definite buy.

    10. he essentially gets his shares for half price, at least (iirc, he gets a 1:1 match for his purchases)

    11. TheHamburgler8D on

      CEOs can just give themselves a raise or sell their stock compensation packages if they find themselves in trouble. This guy knows. Just wait for the AI announcement

    12. How’s our Intel guy doing? The one who invested all of his parents’money into Intel?

    13. Guys Intel isn’t going under, the government will float it if all else fails. They have the infrastructure and amd was in a similar spot a decade ago but have recovered since. They could liquidate the company and the profit would be more than the share price, if you think 20$ isn’t a bargain you are truly regarded.

    14. It’s okay to buy intel, but if he really wanted shares he wouldn’t buy it at small chunks to make it look like he made that many purchases

    15. Preform_Perform on

      I am going to toss 1/700th of a grandma into INTC stock now that it hovers around $20.

    16. WhatNoWaySherlock on

      those are pennies to him, and I bet he even gets compensated from Intel for it

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