Here is the updated list of Open options interest for NVDA as we roll into earnings week. People really like that 9/20 280 call..but also the 1/17/25 13 put? Lmfao. This is gonna be a fun week. Hope this helps your risk management you regards

    Posted by koltd93


    1. Top 2 option prices look to be total BS. 280 by September or 13 by next Jan. Is this satire?

    2. I had commented on a post a while back voicing concern about the sheer amount of open interest on the 280 strike for Sept 20, someone had explained to me (I might be remembering wrong) that it’s most likely someone trading spreads and buying or selling calls that far out to essentially make your position naked without actually having to be naked. Something along those lines it made sense at the time I can find the explanation if someone really wants it

    3. Recent-Match7448 on

      That 9/20/24, 280C is the bargain bin discount. It’s what all those people could afford. Inflation isn’t at 2% yet, need to save where you can.

    4. Playful_Landscape884 on

      Highest is calls at $280
      2nd Highest is puts at $13

      this got to be a joke right??

    5. I literally have no idea what any of this means can someone help explain to a fellow regard

    6. Goldleader-23 on

      I sold my $130 calls today for a nice 20% profit. Could’ve held until earnings but I imagine it’ll be held pretty flat until then as the $130 resistance has been huge. Might buy in again but we will see.

    7. Bulky_Negotiation850 on

      This has been said a million times already I bet but those Sep $280’s….

      Those are cc’s.

    8. As of August 23, 2024, NVDA options have an IV of 68.37 % and an IV rank of 62.4%. The volume is 4,606,062 contracts, which is 100.02% of average daily volume of 4,605,335 contracts. The volume put-call ratio is 0.66, indicating a neutral sentiment in the market.

      Gonna be a coin toss after earnings

    9. Antique-Flight-5358 on

      This shits going to tank so much. Much of the previous income wasn’t even realized. I can’t wait to be entertained next week

    10. Idk.

      We’re in the AI boom.

      NVDA is the dealer.

      How could the dealer be doing bad if it literally supply the whole industry?

    11. $13 put? There’s no meat on the bone at $13.

      I could see these being LEAPS and bought way before triple digits but I could be dead wrong.

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