bought 20 NVDA 128C expiring today. bought at 8:51am for 1.10, sold at 9:13am for 1.95.

    Posted by YungSeizeless


    1. Pitiful-Big-718 on

      Solid pre-market play I was in for 6 minutes; bought 80 128P at 10:32am and sold at 10:38am

    2. westcoastlink on

      I got into a 13 minute to expiration call on spx at 3.50, sold it for 4.70 2 minutes later, then watched it peak around 18.00 around 10 minutes later. I’ve definitely watched my options turn to dust in just a few minutes during the last 10 minutes though.

    3. westcoastlink on

      I got into a 13 minute to expiration call on spx at 3.50, sold it for 4.70 2 minutes later, then watched it peak around 18.00 around 10 minutes later. I’ve definitely watched my options turn to dust in just a few minutes during the last 10 minutes though.

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