1. Specialist-Map-5602 on

      The reality is that tomorrow is no different, I’m gona lose money and most likely have to make another deposit

    2. Competitive_Ride on

      Government probably going to be like “Oh Boeing you’re so funny, how much more to fix this. Here’s a blank check” ![img](emote|t5_2th52|29637)

    3. I_am_Regarded on

      Slightly more and no one needs to work at nvidia anymore. AI should design chips outside of Taiwan what could go wrong


    4. BettyRedHerring on

      Why can’t the fly just leave your house the same way it came in!? ![img](emote|t5_2th52|27421)

    5. Suitable-Gas-7979 on

      Anglopoor stock day traders getting ass blasted by USD/GBP pair plummeting is pretty funny

    6. #Ban Bet Lost

      /u/PlasticHot7188 made a bet that TSLA would go to 175.956 within **4 weeks** when it was 219.945 and it did not, so they were banned for a week.

      Their record is now 0 wins and 3 losses

      [**Join WSB Discord**](http://discord.gg/wsbverse)

    7. why do people pay for OF? I know they’re hot, but don’t you get better value from the crackhead at the street corner?

    8. dirtyWater6193 on

      Just ordered bike tires from Italy bc every single dog shite bike shop in the USA is selling them like twice the price. Some businesses here just need to fucking go away.

    9. Unload clov shares I think. Wanted to Friday but just missed my mark. At this point I’ve made a profit so I’ll prob just sell them at open.

    10. Defiant_Fold_919 on

      Imagine Nvda at 160 after earnings I was saying it was too expensive after it went over a trillion market cap. I was completely wrong

    11. eternal_optimist69 on

      NVDA projected earnings is $0.63 per share.

      This represents an increase of 133.3% year over year.

      That’s ludicrous growth.

      If the number isn’t met, what happens?

    12. EarlyPattern6315 on

      Hahaha you are mental for thinking it would go up with war in Israel.

      SPY down, what else lol.
      Puts are free money.

    13. Fecal_Contamination on

      UK stock market holiday, you kids will have to wait till Tuesday to buy up shit hot stocks.

      Good prices on banks well past their prime and a bunch of privatised utilities that are poisoning our water supply. If you like that sort of thing.

    14. Defiant_Fold_919 on

      Jensen Huang should’ve had larger stake in nvda would be first trillionare instead of a measly 100 bill

    15. This week will make or break the market tbh

      If NVDA beats and raises, we’re gonna see ATH in basically everything

      If it doesnt, we will enter a recession/ber market

    16. the1luckyoptionsguy on

      Simple this week ..wait for dips on nvda …buy them …Thursday cash out big profit ….

    17. Defiant_Fold_919 on

      Pre split I had shares of NVDA at 55 and sold at 70, was pumped for the 5k gain those 350 shares today would be worth 490k.

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