The #1 strategy of wsb traders

    Posted by LarryStink


    1. Not for me it isn’t. I buy great stocks and diversify.
      Second, I sell covered calls on them.
      Third, with my winnings, I take 20% to 30% and then invest that on options.
      It may not be glamorous, but it works! And keeps me green!

    2. Johnny_Handsum on

      When you force a meme on a template that doesn’t fit it.![img](emote|t5_2th52|4260)

    3. darthcaedusiiii on

      I deposited $900 prior to June 20th this year.

      I have withdrawn $845 total last month. (7/19+7/25)

      I’m playing with the rest. First week of August I lost $600. I’m at $269.85

      I’ll give it time I’m down like $5000 over the years at real casinos.

    4. TheRealBrokenbrains on

      Fuck… I’ve been called out. Stop bothering me Marge… slap. I said stop bothering me… slap slap slap…

    5. Actually a semi-legitimate strategy assuming it’s shares and not options. New deposits + buying low results in dollar averaging. Just don’t panic sell

    6. If I would have stopped trading at the end of last year… I’d be down 60k. Instead with my simple trick… I’m down 76k

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