4 times a year the biggest announcement comes upon us and yes here it is again this week!

    Needless to say the price action the next few weeks is going to ruin some of you and make others of you want to call nana.

    How can you make money on options this week? Well, I’ve written you a helpful guide to do so.

    Prior to Wednesday market close:
    – puts $3-5 OTM 8/30 expiry until NVDA crosses $125 or lower
    – $130 calls 8/30 expiry if NVDA falls below $125, then drop calls dollar for dollar (ex: if NVDA hits $122 buy $127 calls).
    – swing trade the shit out of this and close out all these mofos prior to earnings.

    Wednesday market close:
    – stay the F out. This stock will move a bunch AH but it’ll open no more than 3% higher Thursday and IMO will trade 3-5% lower. I think the channel for this is tightening up to really shake some branches in both legs of the options chain.

    Thursday Morning:
    – let that IV deflate and enter a long call position. What I am uncertain about is how quickly it will recover n rally. I would not be the least bit surprised if you see some downside Thursday Friday.
    – I will be watching closely and guess it will fall to below $110 very shortly after earnings. If it opens $125 or higher it may take 3 days for it otherwise I expect the downside to run its course by the weekend.
    – calls $5-10 OTM for 9/13 expiration. Of course that’s LEAPS to yall here so fine go with 9/6 I just don’t know how long it will do nothing before the do something meme no longer applies.

    TL/DR: Market makers will screw both sides of the options chain on earnings. Play puts leading up to ER if NVDA > $125 and calls if it falls below $125. Look for calls after ER timing Thursday might be tight wait until Friday go $5-10 OTM 2 weeks out.

    You’re welcome 😘

    NVDA | How to make money in options
    byu/chewbaccashotlast inwallstreetbets

    Posted by chewbaccashotlast


    1. HungryLikeTheVVolf on

      Thanks for this. Can you do an update next week and let us know how this play turns out?

    2. Already made this money by selling 7DTE deep ITM CCs on Friday for a 1.4% return on a $110 strike. If NVDA dumps leading up to earnings, the delta suggests the contract will too, so I buy back. If it doesn’t, just can’t see it dropping 15% overnight on Wednesday.

      If it does somehow dump below $110 overnight, I’m happy taking the 18% week over week discount and wheeling the other side at the same strike, keeping the premiums.

    3. Specific_Concern649 on

      MMs don’t have enough liquidity to manipulate NVDA idiot. This stock will either run or crater based on earnings and forward guidance and MMs can do nothing about it. It’s like some of you have short term memory

    4. This is all nonsense just spend all your money on calls and puts and pray for a big enough swing in either direction… duh 😂

    5. lol why would it drop to 110 after a good earrings beat? Can’t wait to see your loss porn 

    6. PlayfulPresentation7 on

      Someone had an elaborate story with the market makers and “the hedgies” just like this on why TSLA was cratering back in the day, and it just ended up turning out Elon was selling.

    7. behindcl0seddrs on

      Step one, disable options trading on your account. Step two, buy some more stock. Congratulations you just saved yourself from a lot of losses and still get to participate in long term rewards.

    8. MMs cant fuck NVDA…

      Thank and you don’t take into account everyone loves it, us and them, for once. Here’s strat.

      Buy calls on NVDA. Everyday. Sell them when they are green. They are ALWAYS green.


      Get rich.

    9. planethempnaarea on

      Better to Play FL and Chewy and then all in on Yoga Pants. For all this write up I only agree that MMs will fuck retail as usual.

    10. Altijdhard122 on

      are your amounts determined by hopes and dreams? Heared jp morgan used it very successfully

    11. Here’s how to play it. Hop in your Time Machine and go back in time to buy long terms call options and sell them when it runs leading up to earnings day.

    12. This is regarded. Way too complicated.

      The day before earnings sell short dated, short call or put spreads depending on which way you see things going.

      Then tune the next day to see if you won.

    13. kingstonfisher on

      I’m not reading that novel. I sold 10 $120p for the 30th and I’m holding through earnings because this literally can’t go tits up ![img](emote|t5_2th52|8882)

    14. NVDA is going to hit $150 this week post-earnings as it has popped extremely and violently after the past few quarters and people will FOMO hard. I’m guessing $185 by Q4. Buying at $105 was the best time to go all-in

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