Gain porn

    Posted by Unknownpalworldpizza


    1. TheBooneyBunes on

      What is that put?! 390?! That would mean like a 30% drop in the market, did Covid crash even go 30%?!

    2. whenisthecake on

      With everyone freaking out over the $390 put, my understanding is that options don’t need to actually be ITM to be profitable so would it be fair to say OP isn’t expecting SPY to actually crash to the 300’s but rather simply a big enough downward movement suddenly would make these puts print? Like say SPY goes from $560 to $520 somehow in a few weeks, that would increase the price of these puts (granted marginally but they probably cost dirt cheap too) and would be enough to sell to close for a profit? If so, why is everyone freaking out assuming OP is banking on a 30% SPY crash or something

    3. darkchocolattemocha on

      Everyone here freaking out about the 390 strike must be a beginner. OP is not betting that spy will be at 390 you idiots.

    4. Dang your option expire two months ago. I would’ve done better if I could time travel

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