I was involved in a multi-vehicle collision on the New Jersey Turnpike by the Goethals Bridge. In the accident the cause was discovered to be a collapsed sewer grate. My vehicle was thrown into the air, and suspension was essentially ripped out of the vehicle along with damaged rims etc… I have whiplash (waiting to go to the doctor because the NJ state police did not call an ambulance due to “traffic safety concerns”). My back/neck have been killing me since… what are my best options? My insurance (State Farm) has not really been helpful here.

    Additionally I heard people (construction workers) talking about how the grate in question was improperly installed but the troopers on scene refused to take any statements from anyone.

    Confused on what my next steps are…

    Collapsed Sewer Grate resulted in Multi-Vehicle collision – I have injuries…
    byu/another_mistake19 inInsurance

    Posted by another_mistake19

    1 Comment

    1. redditsuxdonkeyass on

      Your insurance policy has medical payments for bodily injury despite fault. Exhaust that and then let your health insurance take over. Meanwhile, wait to hear back from whatever investigation insues.

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