3rd year trading. Last 12 month strategy been swing trading blue chip stocks only. Lucky or just catching a market uptrend ?


    Posted by dhart786


    1. If you’re making money then it’s good. A lot of people like to say shit like “even an idiot can make money in a historic bull run” as if that’s supposed to mean something. Yeah dude markets are going up go make money that’s the point isn’t it?

    2. Putrid_Pollution3455 on

      The boring old sp500 is up 26.78% in the past year, so it’s a mixture of a good market and you’re investing intelligently. You’re setting yourself up to BE LUCKY! If the market shits the bed, you probably get 3/4% dividends you could use to go on vacation with a portfolio this size. lmfao. Well done. Teach us your ways!

    3. HastaIamuerte on

      I am not trading any I am up about 60% in 3y. 

      What is your yearly return, can only see your past year. 

      Whatever you are doing, I guess keep doing it until it stops working, then switch to investing and holding and you are golden.

    4. Wayathrow44735 on

      Probably a bit of both. Blue chips rode the bull market wave, so timing worked in your favor. But sticking to a strategy for a year takes discipline. Real test is how you handle a downturn. Keep an eye on broader market trends.

    5. LostRedditor5 on

      Likely just catching an uptrend. If you can make money like this in a bear market maybe your on to something.Your gains are also subject to short term capital gains tax which isn’t reflected in the image 🙂

    6. Longjumping-Week8761 on

      Lucky . Trend .. who cares you’re doing something right… This is a lot of fuckin in the Dominican Republic

    7. Mixture of both, you could reinvest the original amount in something more secure and play with what you’re up with.

      Or maybe you’re the next Warren and you’ll make 10 million in 3 years

    8. You’re asking if trading blue chips is “lucky” when they are all up like 500% in the last two years?

    9. Almost like going long on the largest and most profitable companies in the world is all anyone has to do to make money.

    10. Taking profit at 30-40% I see. You’re not trying to home run in every position is a bad wsb post. 😂

    11. fairlyaveragetrader on

      I think uptrend is a part of it, what’s your strategy in place to realize you’re wrong? Because if you have something going on there, it’s not bad, even if it’s on the account level, like if you ever have a 20% drawdown you move everything to cash and take 3 months off? You have to come up with something because I think the trend is helping you a lot but if you can mitigate your downside and keep trading this aggressively during environments that you wrap your head around, you’re going to outperform

    12. HistoricalSpecial982 on

      Definitely luck, but that’s what you sign up for when you play this game. High risk brings high reward, if successful. You ended up successful here. Just know that many don’t and that it can all go away if you don’t manage your risk appropriately. It’s pretty synonymous with the philosophy of gambling.

    13. Captain_Ahab_Ceely on

      Catching a market uptrend is how you are supposed to trade. The real test will be how do you adjust if we enter a prolonged down trend. Good job!

    14. rp2012-blackthisout on

      You’re obviously catching market up trends. Notice you dip big when the market also dipped? You’ll get wrecked in a bear market because you don’t know how to actually trade.

    15. Archimedes3141 on

      If you overlay a magnificent 7 index to this it aligns basically perfectly, so it’s luck I am sad to tell you. 

    16. Rising tide lifts all boats buddy. Good for you but the real test is during a bear market

    17. Federal-Hearing-7270 on

      It is a lot of money, but percentage wise is conservative. Nvidia is 3x ytd and spy is 26.50% ytd, so just 13% difference from your return. I assume you didn’t sleep some nights this past 12 months, keep checking your phone or spend a lot of time at your brokerage account, fear and doubts.. Not worth that 13% extra.

      Just dump it all on SPY and chill

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