Most Anticipated Earnings Releases for the week beginning August 26th, 2024

    Posted by Swiifttx


    1. bilingualbunny on

      Got some SOXL for nvda, its house money so whatever.

      I think if the beat itll boost the whole sector

    2. I sold some TUYA CALLS at +100%, didn’t know the er are after market, i definitely belong here

    3. Mad_MaxWallace on

      Veeva is going to sky rocket. Now listen carefully because you will regret if you miss my explanation. The reason is – veeva just secured a 4.6 billion contract with pfizer ( won’t be announced until 2 days from now, but insiders know) and several hedge funds ( some big names I won’t mention) have been dropping money on them. Lastly they had a meeting two weeks ago where they confirmed that their eps have been about 2.5 more than the earlier quarters. Also I just made all of this up and you shouldn’t believe everything people say on here.

    4. Seems like FL puts are the consensus here, does that mean calls are the play? I already bought puts though ![img](emote|t5_2th52|12787)

    5. Fantastic_Spinach699 on

      sold my CHWY call for GAP call then it immediately tanks as well ![img](emote|t5_2th52|31225)

    6. Anyone playing MNSO earnings? With PDD and JD diving, makes me nervous owning a Chinese company. But everytime I pass by a Miniso its packed to the brim with kids buying Sanrio stuff

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