Nvidia’s stock surge mints new employee millionaires, but many can’t yet enjoy their wealth


    Posted by According_Web_8907


    1. I don’t get it, am I supposed to be sympathetic here? They can’t slack off and wait around for their shares to mature and never have to work again? They work long hours…with a starting annual of what $250k a year?

    2. This is actually a shit article, almost every fortunate 500 company has a vesting schedule. Nvda vests 25% every year lol

    3. I would be able to wait it out until the shares mature. In 1-3 years the stock should be back up again

    4. Even if they couldn’t sell their stock they could still get loans using them as collateral to have spending money that they didn’t have got pay taxes on.

    5. Don’t fret, I’m sure the board will work in some sort of layoff schedule to fuck these guys out of those RSU

    6. They can always quit their job and enjoy the wealth. And if I quit my job, I will get kicked out by my family and became homeless.

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