So finally nobody buys?? Serious

    Posted by Chryeon1188


    1. occorpattorney on

      Well, could it be because Tesla that promised the world, went instead with cheap parts, which they assembled too fast, under poor working conditions to meet a demand based on said empty promises? Then perhaps when people got said defective cars, they didn’t understand why the quality and constant paywalled services, previously promised as included, were just an illusion, kind of like the CEO’s integrity?

    2. WaitingforFIRE98 on

      There’s no innovation anymore. No person can run three companies. Elon needs to let someone else run Tesla.

    3. OxbridgeDingoBaby on

      Damn, what happened to WSB? When did it become a boring political sub just like Reddit as a whole? What happened to disappointing our grandmas being complete regards?

    4. PNWtech-economics on

      All the Tesla cultists are getting bitch slapped Planet of The Apes style. It was an automaker all along.

    5. I drive a Tesla myself.
      Bought it back then because it was the best (only) viable option on the market. The car and the charging infrastructure were clearly the best.

      Nowadays there are plenty of options to chose from. Tesla is just one of many alternatives without anything that sets it apart.

      So I guess valuations will approach the levels for normal car companies.

      (Probably won’t buy a Tesla today, if I needed a car now)

    6. Competitive_Shift_99 on

      Honestly, Elon Musk has shown his true colors. He’s a piece of shit. Millions of people who might have been customers… just aren’t anymore. I know I’m not.

    7. Turns out humans make pretty much every decision based on their emotions. So when they start to hate the face of the company, they will stop buying the product

    8. I’ve been seeing more and more Teslas where I live. I live in a poor shithole too. I’ve even seen a few cybertrucks. If you are buying electric, you’d be crazy to buy anything but a Tesla.

    9. Hahaha Regard Ross sold Tesla at $140 and hasn’t shut up since

      This guy is clown meat 🤡

    10. Upper_Maintenance_41 on

      Amazing how damaged the brand is. I’m getting solar with a Tesla power wall because it’s literally better than any other home battery system and it’s what the solar people recommended…but who could possibly know that, they don’t do any advertising or marketing except through Elon who is out there literally shilling fossil fuels.

    11. Realistic_Olive_6665 on

      What would happen to EV and Tesla sales if Harris wins in November and tries to implement a green new deal? Could that be a catalyst for recovery?

    12. NedSchneefly4920 on

      I gotta call BS on this. I’m seeing more Teslas in my state than I ever have.

    13. First Musk was selling Teslas to the lefties under the sauce of saving environment. Now that there is not enough of them any more, he developed a truck and became a Trump supporter. Bullish


      People here dont get that it doesnt matter anymore how many cars will be sold to private households. For tesla its all a race to full FSD and robotaxi, getting Gouvernment Deals to replace all cars in certain Cities with an uber like robotaxi fleet.

    15. Part of the problem with Tesla now is that we see that the cybertruck, which appears to be quite flawed, is still gonna be bought up as a political social signal.

      This means that people investing in the company can’t trust potential earnings to reflect the quality of the products as much as they used to.

      Political polarization ruining everything again

    16. I mean I hate Musk don’t get me wrong, but the last line of … he told Yahoo, is pure irony.

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